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SKU: 7351_base
Páginas: 304
ISBN: 978-607-576-018-6
Coedición: Alfaomega, Marge Books
Disponibilidad: En existencia

Disponibilidad: En existencia

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This is a practical, entertaining and didactic book for those who are starting out in Lean culture. The language used in the techniques and tools allows Lean Six Sigma management system to be understood easily and, in addition, establishes a methodology adaptable to any improvement process.
From the detailed knowledge of the processes, Lean Manufacturing encourages innovation, discipline and the continuous search for excellence, through tools that improve the effectiveness of teams, delivery times and, on the whole, the capacity and competitiveness of companies.
Step by step, this book enables you to discover and apply material control and production techniques that increase quality, improve communication and access to information and provide significant energy reductions.
The Lean Manufacturing system offers a methodology for manufacturing and the management of organizations focused on continuous improvement, in line with the

Autores SOCCONINI, Luis 0
Editorial Alfaomega, Marge Books 0
Año de edición 2020 2020
Código de barras 9786075760186 9786075760186
ISBN 978-607-576-018-6 978
ISBN E-Book 9788417903312 9788417903312
Materiales adicionales No 0
Número de la edición 1 1
Número de páginas 304 304
Dimensiones 17 x 23 17
Peso en gramos
Encuadernación Rústica 0
Idioma Español 0

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